After my last weeks appointment I was sure that I wasn't going to go another week pregnant, but I was wrong. My body hasn't made much progress the past seven days. I'm not to down about it. I am still trilled that my body has dilated to a three with out pain. Many women go into labor without dilation and spend hours waiting on their body to dilate to a 3 or 4.
There is some new news, I'm having Braxton Hicks contractions more regularly and they are becoming slightly stronger. They are not painful at all, just a bit uncomfortable. My menstrual cramps are worse than these little guys. I hope that isn't to much information.
Well I hope I have baby soon.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Nope, I'm not labor
So as I sit here this Sunday evening while my wonderful husband and his faithful home teaching companion prepare to go visit people I have the the desire to call some family and friends, but I feel my call would be a huge let down when I inform the caller that no I am not calling them to share happy news of my water breaking, but that I am bored. No it isn't that big deal for me to just call them anyway but I have this problem of feeling bad when I shouldn't.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
What I will miss about being pregnant...
These are in no specific order.
Feeling her move in my tummy.
Carrying her with no hands.
Getting away with anything because I am pregnant.
Watching my belly move.
Poking at my tummy.
Guiltlessly giving into cravings.
Sleeping in.
My full lips.
My full and large breasts.
Listening to her heart beat at the doctors office.
Not feeling like a total slob for going out in public in sweats.
On demand massages form Jake.
Needing to take it easy.
Knowing my body is doing the most amazing thing in the world.
Jake giving my tummy kisses.
Having the ultimate excuse.
It being ok to gain weight.
Having an armrest where ever go.
The attention.
Naps anytime.
Feeling her move in my tummy.
Carrying her with no hands.
Getting away with anything because I am pregnant.
Watching my belly move.
Poking at my tummy.
Guiltlessly giving into cravings.
Sleeping in.
My full lips.
My full and large breasts.
Listening to her heart beat at the doctors office.
Not feeling like a total slob for going out in public in sweats.
On demand massages form Jake.
Needing to take it easy.
Knowing my body is doing the most amazing thing in the world.
Jake giving my tummy kisses.
Having the ultimate excuse.
It being ok to gain weight.
Having an armrest where ever go.
The attention.
Naps anytime.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Getting There
I Am Dilated Three Centimeters!!! That is approximately form here [------------------] to here. I am also 70% effaced and the baby's head is at -1 station. -1 station means that she is started her journey into my pelvis. When the doc was about to give me the news I thought she was going to say I was not at all dilated and weeks from having the baby. Well I still could be weeks form having the baby but it is so exciting that my body is doing something about having this baby and it didn't hurt. My body is amazing and I love it.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I am now less than two weeks away from from my due date! :0 It is crazy that this baby could come at anytime, and anytime would be good. I am so ready to meet my baby and to be a mom. Another reason baby should come anytime is because yesterday seems like it was a week ago. Time is slowing down and feels like it is going to stop. Fortunately, I feel good most of the time. I even feel as if I could grow more with out feeling like a total whale. So for that reason I think baby won't be coming till or after her due date. Whatever.
Tomorrow we will see if my body is making any progress toward having this baby. It will be the first time for the doc to check out my cervix. Is it weird I am excited for that? I just can't wait to see if I've dilated at all, or if I'm at all effaced. To get news that my body has made progress will be so invigorating. If there hasn't been any action down there, well I guess time will slow down even more. Blah.
Tomorrow we will see if my body is making any progress toward having this baby. It will be the first time for the doc to check out my cervix. Is it weird I am excited for that? I just can't wait to see if I've dilated at all, or if I'm at all effaced. To get news that my body has made progress will be so invigorating. If there hasn't been any action down there, well I guess time will slow down even more. Blah.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
An Introduction to my life
I am so happy to be starting a blog so all my wonderful family and friends can keep tabs on Jake, me, and soon to be here baby green.
We are all doing wonderful. Jake started another semester of school this week. He is taking one class where he will be working with successful business men, who will help and mentor Jake in starting his own business. No, Jake doesn't need the class to graduate, but this class will help Jake put his plans into action. I am really excited for him to start working on this. He has so many great ideas and is really blessed with a brilliant mind. Jake is also working at Rocky Mountain Composites, where he is a manufacturing engineer. Along with work and school he has been working on our house. We are almost done with one room. When we finish it will be so relieving. Hopefully the room will be done before the baby gets here.
There are 20 more days till the due date. Oh it is so soon. The fact I am having a baby still seems so far off and in some ways unreal. But what a wonderful day it will be when i do get to hold little baby green for the fist time. I am nervous, excited, hopeful, scared, and so joyful all at once all the time. Jake and I are still working on a name for our baby girl. I don't want to say it will be one name or an other in fear it will be crossed stitched into a quilt or wall hanging and then, knowing me, I will change my mind when I see baby. I would feel so bad if I made someone waste there time due to my indecisiveness. One name that has stuck is Tori Rae. It makes me smile when I say it.
As for me I do nothing. Well thats is what it feels like, I do do some cleaning and house work but to me thats pretty much nothing because I don't find joy in doing it. (Only being honest.) I stopped working the 22nd of December. Since then I have been trying to come up with things to do with out spending money. If any of you have ideas please feel free to share. A little after the baby is born I want to join a moms group I can go to during the day once a week or so and talk with other happy moms. Being social is a big deal to me and keeps me grounded.
I am hoping blogging will become a source of entrainment to me and help me in my doing nothing. If I stick with it and make blogging a habit I know it will be rewarding. Well I hope you find my blog entraining and fun. I will post some current pictures soon, because blogs with good pictures are ten times better than ones without.
We are all doing wonderful. Jake started another semester of school this week. He is taking one class where he will be working with successful business men, who will help and mentor Jake in starting his own business. No, Jake doesn't need the class to graduate, but this class will help Jake put his plans into action. I am really excited for him to start working on this. He has so many great ideas and is really blessed with a brilliant mind. Jake is also working at Rocky Mountain Composites, where he is a manufacturing engineer. Along with work and school he has been working on our house. We are almost done with one room. When we finish it will be so relieving. Hopefully the room will be done before the baby gets here.
There are 20 more days till the due date. Oh it is so soon. The fact I am having a baby still seems so far off and in some ways unreal. But what a wonderful day it will be when i do get to hold little baby green for the fist time. I am nervous, excited, hopeful, scared, and so joyful all at once all the time. Jake and I are still working on a name for our baby girl. I don't want to say it will be one name or an other in fear it will be crossed stitched into a quilt or wall hanging and then, knowing me, I will change my mind when I see baby. I would feel so bad if I made someone waste there time due to my indecisiveness. One name that has stuck is Tori Rae. It makes me smile when I say it.
As for me I do nothing. Well thats is what it feels like, I do do some cleaning and house work but to me thats pretty much nothing because I don't find joy in doing it. (Only being honest.) I stopped working the 22nd of December. Since then I have been trying to come up with things to do with out spending money. If any of you have ideas please feel free to share. A little after the baby is born I want to join a moms group I can go to during the day once a week or so and talk with other happy moms. Being social is a big deal to me and keeps me grounded.
I am hoping blogging will become a source of entrainment to me and help me in my doing nothing. If I stick with it and make blogging a habit I know it will be rewarding. Well I hope you find my blog entraining and fun. I will post some current pictures soon, because blogs with good pictures are ten times better than ones without.
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