Tori's face is pressed against the car window
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
These pictures are from our trip to Washington for Memorial Day weekend. I took them with my in-laws camera and finally got them downloaded.

Peek a Boo
On the way to St. George, Friday, Tori played her first game of picked Peek a Boo. Oh my little girl is getting so big.
Homemade Bread, Yum
I made bread! Yep, all by myself and completely from scratch. I know it isn't that hard but I have always been a little scared to do it. You know the yeast can be ruined if you are to rough, and the rise times always take to long. I don't know, I was just scared to make bread. However my bread turned out beautifully and tasty. Thanks for the recipe Robin and Karie!
So Sparkly...Glitter Toes.
A month or so ago my dog Theo decided to run away, ugh. Like a good neighbor a teenage girl called to let me know she found Theo. When I got there to pick him up I began to talk to this girl and noticed she had some nice sparkly toes. First I thought it was just glitter toenail polish, but no it was better than that. Her toes looked like Dorthy's ruby slippers. I asked about her toes and she let me in on the coolest thing ever in the toenail world, glitter toes. I decided then and there I was going to get my toenails done glitter toe style.
Finally this weekend I was able to get glitter toes while I was in St. George. Karen, my sister in law also got then done. It was fun. So sparkly

Finally this weekend I was able to get glitter toes while I was in St. George. Karen, my sister in law also got then done. It was fun. So sparkly
Pictures of glitter toes do not do them justice. Y'all should come over and check them out, or go get glitter toes for your self. They will change your life.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Laundry Fun
As most of you know folding the laundry can be a little tricky when a baby wants your attention. In my case I much rather give attention to Tori than fold clothes and match socks. However I feel a little guilty when Jake ends up folding 95% of the laundry while I play with Tori. (Hey at least I washed the dang clothes.) Today I was in this situation and was feeling the quilt as Jake sat on the floor and was folding the whites with no complaint. I put Tori in her walker and started to help but she wasn't having it. She wanted to held, laughed at, talked to, tickled, and loved. Then Jake went to the rescue. I thought he was going to take over Tori duty but he did something better. He put Tori in the laundry basket, and she loved it. We were both able to fold laundry with Tori getting the attention she wanted. Well we both were folding till I left to take like a hundred pictures. Hey, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take cute pics.

This is my 100th post, awesome, go me! :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
So Tiny
Lets Bike Baby
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Chop Chop
These picture are a little scary but they are what we got from camping the first time with Tori.
By the way she's playing with a glow stick. Anyway camping went well. We had the ward camp out and decided it would be best to stay and camp with other ward members.
Tori did well in the tent. She only woke up when I came back into the tent from getting a drink in the middle of the night. If the weather stays nice I hope to go camping again to get a truer camping experience with a camp fire, hot dogs, and smores. If not this year then next. I can't wait.

By the way she's playing with a glow stick. Anyway camping went well. We had the ward camp out and decided it would be best to stay and camp with other ward members.
Tori did well in the tent. She only woke up when I came back into the tent from getting a drink in the middle of the night. If the weather stays nice I hope to go camping again to get a truer camping experience with a camp fire, hot dogs, and smores. If not this year then next. I can't wait.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
All the Pretty Flowers
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tori's Chocolate Treat
While I was doing my daily chores Tori found and started to play with a packet of chocolate drink mix. I didn't think anything of it because at the time she was just waving the packet in the air. For some crazy reason I didn't think she could or would rip into it and eat and make mess of the chocolate powder. I left the room and came back to find Tori enjoying a chocolaty paper treat, yum.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Annie Oaks
This weekend Jake, Tori, Jake's parents and I took a little trip down to Pitute county to have some fun. Well Jake and I went to have fun and Sherrie and Wayne came to baby sit. (I am not ready to leave Tori overnight.) A coworker of Jake's rented out a group of cabins and organized the weekend. The other vacationers were Jake's coworkers and family of his coworkers as well. The weekend consisted of four wheeling, tubing down the river, and relaxing. It was fun. I really liked the place we stayed. It was a lot nicer than I thought it was going to be. The ATV ride was beautiful, bumpy, and awesome. There were huge pines, streams, and of course mountains. I was a little sad I wasn't able to take more time to look at it all. That's one thing I like about hiking and biking better than riding around on four wheelers, when you hike or bike you get to see more pretty nature stuff verses whizzing by everything. Plus I felt a little lazy riding around. Tubing the river was fun too. Jake's dad actually came with us. Poor guy got stuck in a few tree's though. I so wish I had a camera. If I did the pictures would go down in Green family history. Wayne had one more misfortune while we were there. He opened a window that had window A.C. unit in it. Oh Wayne. Good thing he and Jake are handy and could fix the thing after the cords were ripped from it. Don't get me wrong I had an oops moment too. I forgot Theo. I was all wrapped up in getting pack and Tori ready I didn't realize Theo ran off. We locked the house, left, and then turned on to 300 South( a fairly busy street) and there was our dog, running at a casual pace down the middle of the road. Not across, down the middle. Crazy Theo. Anyway it was a great weekend and I hope to go back again. Thank you Sherrie and Wayne for all your help.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Not a One
I don't usually bring in Tori's car seat, but I have a few times recently. To my surprise she is into playing with it. I don't know if it is the bright orange or the rocking motion of it that attracts her. What ever it is she like the thing when she is out of it. Tori has even done a few matrix like tricks on it. I thought it was pretty fun.
Today when I was actually doing the dishes, and while I was cleaning I tuned to check on Tori to make sure she was still happily playing on the floor. Instead of her laying down she was standing up on the dishwasher, pulling out and playing with the spoons and forks. (She has been pulling her self up for two weeks, but lately she has gotten pretty good.) I was startled she was there, and almost panicked, but I didn't. I watched her play, pulling out the spoons, putting them in her mouth, dropping them , then moving on to the next spoon or fork she could reach. It was so cute and brought a smile to my face, and even a little tear. It is so great being a mom.

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Happy Grandparents Day
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