I have lost my voice! Please come to me little voice of mine, I miss you dearly!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
An Off Morning
Tori woke up at 5:45 this morning angry as a bear only wanting Jake to take to hold her. But Jake was getting to leave for work. I finally calmed her down by giving her apple liquorish. She would not be put back bed so we watched Father of the Bride and cuddled on the love sac. Father of the Bride is movie Tori and I enjoy but can sleep threw. It worked. I woke up at 9:00 and Tori had made her way down to the floor and was still sleeping.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Definite Movement
About three weeks ago I was pretty sure I could feel my baby moving if I would lay still and quiet right after I ate. I only felt the commonly described butterfly movements, and they were very easy to mix up with gas bubbles. But now at 20 weeks I am for sure feeling this little lady dance around. The movements are feeling more like bumps. I simply love it. Feeling life inside of my womb is remarkable, spiritual, bonding, and very empowering for me. I love being pregnant, no it is not always comfortable, or enjoyable for the ones around me, but there is nothing else like knowing that I am providing a home for a growing body for one of Heavenly Father's spirit children.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
As If You Didn't Know

I'm Pregnant!!!
I waited to blog about this very exciting and happy news because I was waiting to surprise my family members till they came up for Angela's wedding. Currently I am 20 weeks along, I'm at the half way mark. This pregnancy has been great. I have not been sick and I feel great most of the time. Unfortunately for Jake I do get moody from time to time, especially when I am tired, hungry, and/or have a headache but who isn't a little moody then?I do feel a bit guilty from time to time because I don't think about being pregnant nearly as much as I did the first time around. For an example, when my parents got into town a lot was going on and a lot of people were at my house. My parents did not know I was expecting and when we greeted one another and they excitedly pointed out my baby bump. It was almost a reminder to me that it was there.
I have had my ultra sound and I'm having a girl! I am very excited to have a little pair of sisters. It is so exciting to imagine all the fun the three of us girls are going to have.
My ultra sound was scheduled the day before the wedding and luckily all six of my sisters were able to come with me. It was a party! It was so special to have them all there with me to get the first look at this baby. It will be something I will always hold close to my heart.

Angela's Wedding

Angela and Loyd's wedding was this past weekend and it was beautiful. Angela was stunning in my mother's wedding dress. The weather was ideal, there was not a drop a rain the whole day.
All of sisters, nieces and nephews, and my parents were able to attend. We did miss Ivan and Odessa's husband, Sergio. Hopefully we get to see them soon.
Unfortunately I did not take many pictures but I had the great honor of helping Angela get dressed in the brides room.

I wish Angela and Loyd all love and happiness in the world.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Eating and Getting
Jake, Tori, and I had a nice weekend. We went to Paris, ID with Jake's father on Saturday and stayed the night. Then we spent most of Sunday with Jake's parents at their home. No we didn't do a whole lot but was super nice to relax and prepare for the next couple weeks which are FILLED with fun pack activities to say the least.
Here are a couple videos from the weekend...
Tori has become pretty good at eating with a forks, spoons and even straws!
Getting Dad with Pompoms
Here are a couple videos from the weekend...
Tori has become pretty good at eating with a forks, spoons and even straws!
Getting Dad with Pompoms
Friday, June 5, 2009
Nap Time
As I was on the computer reading blogs, checking my email, and whatever else Tori was playing with her toys, doing a great job at entertaining herself. I was listening to her play happily but then after a few minutes of surfing the web and during a call from Jake I realized there was no longer playing noise. There was silence. A bit of panic filled my chest, because unplanned silence usually isn't good. I started to look for Tori going from one of the six rooms in our small home to other quickly scanning for her. No Tori. The doors were not open, so quickly I looked in closets, behind curtains, or any else she typically likes to hide in. No Tori. I called her name. No response. I was really scared now. I went threw the house again looking. I checked my room, the bathroom, the kitchen, the laundry room, the living room. No Tori. Then I checked her room and right before I turned to leave to really panic, I saw her, partially under her blanket, sound asleep on a love seat. Fear and panic immediately left, and relief took its place, as I quickly and silently thanked Heavenly Father my Tori was never in danger. However I felt a bit sorry that I didn't realize she was so sleepy, but then Jake and I soon decided its time to let Tori try out a toddle bed. Goodness she is growing up fast.
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