My sister Angela is off to Spain for six months to tutor and teach English to a family there. I am so excited for her but not till a few days ago did I realize that this will my first time in my life not to have a member of my family close by. I feel like a little lost child. Alone, weak, and frightened. For five years I thought I was being some what independent but it was my big sis that gave me courage to be out going, gave me a place to sleep when I didn't pay rent, let me borrow money, hugged me when I wrecked her car, and escorted me from a teen to adulthood. I am going to miss her so much and can't wait for her return. However I am happy that it has opened my eyes to how I can improve my marriage even more.
I didn't see until now that in many ways I haven't been fully cleaving to my husband. I know in the scriptures it only commands the man to leave his parents and cleave to his wife that they will be one flesh but I know it applies to me as well. If I let Jake become
more of my
earthly source of courage, comfort, support, advice, hugs, and leading it will improve our marriage, make stronger as a couple, and better friends. Again my big sister has helped me out.
Thank you for everything Ang, I love you and I'll miss you so. Good luck out there.
Aw Sylvia, I know it's hard. I remember when my family left Florida, and left Sean and I. It was sooo hard! One of the hardest things I had to go through, but you are right, it helps to strengthen a marriage! :) I know you'll be fine, but call me if you need to. I love this picture of you two. You are such goof balls!
i know she feels the same way about you. she can't go a day without telling me ow great of a sister you have been to her.
i love you! and i love blogs and the internet! how wonderful that we can keep in touch so easily. you are the best friend and sister anyone could ever ask for. i love you! oh, i saw some cute onez's for tor- but i realized she won't be in the them when i get back!!!! and i cried (a little). give her kisses for me, hug jake for me, and have jake hug and kiss you for me. haha love you love you!
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