Dear Family and Friends,
I am very excited that it is the season to be sending Christmas cards and that I am sending out our family’s very first Christmas greeting. 2008 was full of adventures and blessings. The biggest adventure and blessing of the year was the birth of Tori.
Tori was born into this world on January 28th, healthy and alert. My labor with her was fast and was such a great experience. Like all babies, Tori is growing so fast. Currently she loves to give high fives, clap her hands, jibber jabber, and crawl very fast. She also loves to play with her little friend, Reggie. She even recently tried to give him a kiss. She is such a sweetheart!
Speaking of sweethearts, mine is also doing great. Jake graduates this month in manufacturing engineering and business management. We are so excited for no more school. He is working at Rocky Mountain Composites as a manufacturing engineer right now. Basicly, he uses computers and robots to make carbon fiber airplanes. Jake has also been busy working on our home, learning how to create websites, and being an extraordinary father and husband.
As for me, I have enjoyed the year being a full time mom and blogging away. Recently I have decided to become a certified doula. As a doula I will support mothers emotionally and physically through childbirth. I am not sure just how much I will work as a doula but helping women give birth is a growing passion of mine. Since August I have been busy with my church calling and responsibilities as a joint activities committee chair for our congregation.
Being the head honchos of our congregation’s activities Jake and I have learned many valuable lessons. We (mostly me) have learned how to delegate responsibilities, how to listen to others’ ideas, become better organized, and how to throw one mean party. We have also been able to become better friends with fellow church members, and have had so much fun. Jake and I would like to thank his parents for babysitting Tori on the nights of our activities.
Even though Jake and I have been busy with parenting, school, work, church, and life in general we have been able to do some pretty fun stuff this year. We were able to get BYU football season tickets and even took a few vacations.
First, for Memorial Day weekend, we visited our good friends Dennison, Robin, and Carter Harris in Vancouver, Washington. Then In August my little sister Odessa was married to Sergio Alonso. We are so happy that we were able to witness Odessa and Sergio married for time and all eternity in the San Antonio, Texas temple. Our last trip of the year will be a vacation to Louisiana for Christmas. We are very excited because we will be able to visit my grandparents and other extended family for the first since Jake and I have been married.
Most of all we would like to wish y’all a merry Christmas and testify that we know this beautiful season is to celebrate our Savior’s birth. We know our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, was born upon this earth to live for us, and to die for us so we can return to live with Him and our Father in Heaven.
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful upcoming year.
-Jake, Sylvia, and Tori Green
1 comment:
Merry Christmas to you guys! It's been so great to really get to know you this past year. We look forward to some more kickin' ward activities this upcoming year.
Have fun in Louisiana!
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