Tuesday, July 28, 2009
18 Months
Today Tori is officially 18 months! We celebrated a little by getting pictures taken at JCPennys, going out for a light lunch, winning a huge mega cool bouncing ball, and taking pictures in a photo booth. Of course all the fun stuff was ruined with a trip to the doctors office and shots, but Tori is a trooper didn't cry for long. Plus we got frozen yogurt after wards.
Anyway. Here are her size percentages for the record...
Weight-20.41lbs- 4.49%
Length- 31.1 inches- 34.13%
Also for the record here a few things Tori does now,
colors, plays with stickers, unfortunately hits other kids, says tissue, please, cheese, thank you, grandpa, the noise for a porscha, likes the song head shoulder knees and toes, throws trash away, loves to play in the car, read, likes to eat cottage cheese and strawberrys, without a doubt her favorite show is World Word and she asks to watch it specifically.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sleeping with Shoes
Waynes B-Day in the GT40
This post is dedicated to my father in law, Wayne.
F.Y.I. This is really freaking sweet car. It is a Ford GT40. Ford originally made the GT40 to put Ferrari to shame. The GT40 did just that. So you can only imagine that this really freaking sweet car is really freaking FAST. Any car lover has love for this car.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's My Birthday!
Yes yes, it is my birthday and I am happy to say I am now 25 year old momma. I'm pretty sure the 25th year of my life is going to rock. There is just something about the number 25 I love. It sounds sexy and sophisticated. Anyway I have had a great 25th birthday, this is what I did today!
Here are all the crazy pictures I took. There are way to many to just post with out a sideshow.
Then we went to get drinks from Sonic and went to the mall. After that we went back home chatted with Angela and Loyd for a bit.
Jake and I came home chatted with Ang and Loyd a little more before they left. Now I'm blogging. In a minute I am going to go put a movie in, cuddle with Jake, and go to sleep.
What a great day!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I Don't Smoke
A couple weeks a I lost my voice for three days. I felt okay most of the time but it was a little tiring trying to speak when I couldn't. This is how I sounded...
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Forth with the Harris'
Jake, Tori, and I had a great 4th of July weekend! We spent all weekend with Robbin, Dennison, Carter, and Jude Harris! The Harris' are some of our best friends and it was so great to see them. We met in McCall, ID a beautiful little resort town north of Bosie where Robin spent her childhood. While we were there we went to a parade, went swimming, boating, we visited with Robins family, and saw a few of the sites of McCall. It was a lot of fun. We will for sure meet the Harris' there again.
The Harris' and us rented a condo/ cabin together at the Tamarack Resort. It was much better than staying in a hotel.
Please take note of the shirts Jake and I have on. They are smurf shirts Dennison and Robin made for us. Oh and this is a nice picture of my pregnant self. Here I am 21 weeks and 3 days along.
I was sharing this Fat Boy with Tori but after a few bites she stole it and claimed the rest of it as hers.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Baby Bump Love
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