Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Waynes B-Day in the GT40

This post is dedicated to my father in law, Wayne.

F.Y.I. This is really freaking sweet car. It is a Ford GT40. Ford originally made the GT40 to put Ferrari to shame. The GT40 did just that. So you can only imagine that this really freaking sweet car is really freaking FAST. Any car lover has love for this car.

My father in law, to say the least, is a car lover. Therefore he has love for the GT40. A lot of love for that matter. So when he was giving a birthday ride in the one pictured it made his 60th birthday one of the most memorable. He said it was the faster car he has ever been in.
Looking good Wayne!

This is car is one the rarest most expensive cars I've ever seen so Jake and I took the opportunity to take a quick family picture with it. By the way Jake took a ride in too and loved it almost just a much as his dad.

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