Holy Cow I have only a week till my due date! Crazy! I just can't believe how time has flown by, but at the same has gone by so slow, especially these last couple of weeks. Pregnancy is still treating me well, I suppose. I feel big but so big I going pop and my aches and pains are all short lived. A nap, Tylenol, or kicking my feet up typically does the trick. However I am loosing my mind. In almost every conversation I have my mind floats off from what ever the topic might be, even when I am talking. Heart burn has been my worst enemy, and tums my best friend. I do not remember having heartburn nearly as bad when I was pregnant with Tori. At times it is like having a fire in my chest. Ugh.
Anyway I was checked last week and this week. Last week I was dilated to a 1 1/2. I am pretty sure they added the half just to be nice. Today I am at a three! I love that my body is progressing with out much effort on my part.
Here are a couple pictures of me, my belly and Tori taking today. The last two were taking with out web cam so they are fuzzy.

i can't wait!
Yeah one more week! Let us know when that little cutie arrives!
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