Easter was good. Saturday I took the girls to two city egg hunts. Both of which lasted 30 seconds before all the egg had been picked up. One went a little better because some older kids hid their unwanted eggs for Tori and Macy to find. Some were empty other had a cookie voucher in them. Either way Tori and Macy loved finding the eggs.
Also on Saturday we had dinner with Jake's family. After which we had an Easter egg hunt. Jake's mom like to fill the eggs so they explode with candy when you open them. Tori and Macy brought home two gallon sized ziplock storage bags home full of candy. I used the candy from Saturday to put on their baskets.
On Easter Sunday we went church and spent the rest of the day at home. This was the first major Holiday we didn't go anywhere, and it was so nice. We did do some fun stuff with the girls though. Of course we let them find their baskets in the morning, then after church we had dinner, a nap, egg hunt, and then decorated eggs.
During all these fun things I tried my very hardest to teach Tori why we were celebrating. Even with all the candy, egg hunts, decorating, and excitement over the Easter bunny she can say when asked why do we have Easter?, ''We get eggs because Jesus died so we can live with Heavenly Father, and Jesus again. And Jesus lived again, and loved me, and loves me to pick up my blocks, and be nice to Macy."

1 comment:
Wow, macy's hair got long. And love the piano in the background. Looks really pretty.
We love moab too. So fun.
Miss you guys!
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