Last month two of my nephews turned eight years old. The months prior to this I was constantly debating if I should spend the cash to go to their baptisms. I couldn't make up mind. I considered going to just one of the batisims and not the other or going to both of them. I also had to make up mind if Tori would be coming or not. This was a very emotional process for me. It would cost a lot of money to go to both and bring Tori but that was what I really wanted. And I hated the thought of not going at all. Plus, I would be away from Jake for a week and half. That is a really long time for us. I finally made my decision when I lost my patience with Jake. ( I can be a little rash, poor Jake.) I bought plane tickets for both Tori and I to fly to Detroit Michigan, then to Austin Texas, and then back home.
After I bought the tickets I felt a guilty for acting so rashly, but Jake understood that I really wanted to see my family. He also knew that I wanted to feel closer to my nephews that live so far away from me. I don't think he was totally clean of frustration with my purchase and even more so with me being gone so long but he was very clam about it all. What a great man I have.
As I prepared for my trip I was a little worried about flying alone with my two children. I did a little research on flying with children and got great ideas on good food to pack, toys, and other things. I even bought them super cute matching outfits to fly in.
On all three flights they Tori and Macy did great! They got a little frustrated at one another from being so close for over three hours but overall I was very impresses with their behavior. If I had to I would totally fly with them again by myself.
So now that I am back and every thing is done I am very happy went. I missed Jake a lot, but I got to know my nieces and nephew so much more. I has such a fun time.
Now to the good stuff...
At the airport...


In Michigan...

These three cousins are close in age and had fun together most of the time.

Macy and Stella would play well together then start biting and pulling hair when they got bored. Crazy girls.

Tori Hanging with Pa Pa Ron

Tori and Reighly having fun at the lake.

Spenser's and Bryce's combo birthday party
Tori love plating with Emily. However Emily taught tori how to be add some sass to her life.
In Texas...

The Alamo!

Everyone at Bryce's baptism

Jenna's cat trap

Fun at the Oasis

Candida you are silly

Three cute cousins.

My cool nieces and nephews.
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