This year to save a few pennies I skipped on sending on Christmas cards :( so let me share with you a few things from last year...

Jake started the year off right by nearly cutting his finger off. No, his finger was not dangling by the skin or anything, but he cut through the tendon and nerve. Thus he needed surgery. How did he do this? By attempting to cut off the little 'feet' off of a power strip with a super sharp chisel. Jake went to physical therapy for 12 weeks for that! The best news of 2013 for Jake GOT INTO BYU!!! Woot Woot! In July Jake started his MBA. He is still working at General Atomics while he goes to school in the evening. He also fills his time working on a starting business. At the moment he is working on check it out!
I had a wonderful year adjusting to life with three children. On occasion I feel over whelmed, but I LOVE having 3 children. I was expecting the worst, but three children has been such a wonderful blessing. My pregnancy felt never ending, and the end of it was very emotional for me. I was pregnant for 42 weeks! I never thought I would be pregnant that long! I even planned the blessing for the baby at a week and half after my due date but my baby didn't come for it! Oh I want to cry just thinking about how big of a mess I was. My family came and left and I was still pregnant! My labor and delivery was good. I had a home birth and really loved being able to give birth where I felt most comfortable.

Tori started Kindergarten! She is in a Spanish immersion program, so half of her school work is taught in Spanish. She really likes her teacher and the new friends she has made. Tori is still in ballet and really enjoys being able to go every week! Tori love being a big sister! She is always willing to help her brother feel better if he cries and play with him. She loves crafting everything from necklaces to painting. She also really enjoys making books.

Miss Macy Leona is my strait talking little firecracker with the most sweet and tender little heart. Every day that girl pipes up with the most outrageous things to say. Whatever she has to say it is always true and it makes to laugh. One thing she did that wasn't so funny was to cut her own bangs. Thankfully she did a okay job, and only cut her bangs, but we are still waiting for them to grow in. Macy started taking Ballet lessons this year, and she is now leaping gracefully wherever she goes. Macy also loves being a big sister and is way to eager to smother her Brother with kisses!

Chandler Jacob Green is the newest member of our family and he has stolen all of our hearts. He was born on April 30, and gave us a big smile the very first day he was born! He has been a wonderful baby. He is happy and sweet and just a lovely ray of happiness and light in my our families' life. He is growing to fast. He is now eight months and walking along the couch. He loves to cuddle and play with balls. Oh and he has little vampire teeth right now because his two front teeth have not come in but the teeth to sides of them have.

Our family enjoyed a few awesome trips this year. We were able to go to Moab, UT, Disney Land, and of course Paris, ID! We enjoyed visits form family and fiends from Michigan, Texas, Louisiana,and Colorado!
So there you have 2013 in a nutshell!
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