Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jake and Tori Playing

Jake isn't moving Tori. He just blows on her and she gets so startled she opens her eyes all big, and throws her hands up so hard she falls back. Heck, babies are so funny.


Adrienne said...

That is so funny! I'll have to show that to Adam. He'll think that's funny.

Hope you guys are doing great! We miss you.

And Luke wants me to tell you to say hi to Theo for him.

Anonymous said...

I love it!! She is so cute Sylvia.

Amber and Ryan said...

oops. That last anonymous comment was from me-Amber

Robin said...

That is so cute/funny! Dennison and I just watched it twice. We miss you guys:(

Anonymous said...

Hey this is Aunt Lawana I have like 3 pictures of my boys on here go to http://lawanasboys.blogspot.com there are there. I will put more as soon as I get time.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl my email address is countrygirl_33_70444@yahoo.com. I sent you something by snail mail for the summer party. I hope you get it. Will you plase send me the email or home address you have on your sister and Ivan? Thank you.
You two enjoy this time. Enjoy every min. of it because they grow up so fast. One day they are your sweet little baby then they are a teenager ready to day, and before you know it they are off to college and gettin married.