Monday, November 24, 2008

Tori's pomme d'amour

Before I get started with the 'cute' part of the post let me through out a random fact. (I love random facts.) Way back in the first days the tomato was introduced to Germany they call it 'Apple des Paradieses.' Meaning apple of paradise. The french called it a 'pomme d'amour' aka, a love apple. Anyway, now to the cute part...

Tonight when I was making dinner Tori was being less than happy. I handed her the tomato that I was holding because she was stressing out because I was had it, and she wanted it. When I gave her the tomato I thought She was going to play with it like a ball, but like the good explorer that she is she tasted it first. Then she took a bite and another then another. Tori ate almost half of the tomato! In the time it took her to eat her share of the tomato I was able to finish dinner! I only hope that much tomato isn't to acidic for her little body.

Here is a video I took of Tori eating her Apple des Paradieses.


Laine said...

I like the snort.

connie said...
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connie said...

that is so awesome! Its so funny she was stressed out about YOU holding the tomato!! what a cutie..yep both the mama and the little tomato eater