Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! How has your Thanksgiving been? Mine has been good, it has been gluttonous and lazy,  I am wondering how many extra dimples will grace my thighs from today's extra caloric in take and lack of physical movement.  I am also sore from a teenager running her car into the back of mine last night.  Yep, I was involved in a low speed accident. I am okay. No, Tori and Macy were not in the car with me. Yes, our car is fine, a bit more scuffed up but it is totally drivable. I am very thankful for all those things. Mostly I am thankful that Tori and Macy weren't in the car with me, and were at home safe with Jake.

Back to Thanksgiving. I am thankful for this day dedicated to thanks where we can get together with the ones we love.

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